Northern Cross Wealth Management qualifies for FAIS Compliant Seal On 25 August 2017, Northern Cross Wealth Management, a Cape Town-based financial services provider and offshore wealth management firm, was awarded the 2017 FAIS Compliant Seal from Masthead, in recognition of excellent compliance standards. Masthead is a national supplier of risk management services to independent financial...
Month: October 2017
The next financial crisis…?
The 2008 financial crisis was brought about by, among other things, excessive risk-taking by banks throughout the western world, the most famous victim being Lehman Brothers, which filed for bankruptcy in 2008, ending 158-years of banking history dating back to 1850. The Lehman Brothers saga unleashed the true systemic risk that had been hidden in...
Northern Cross Wealth Management were delighted to host their first broker’s lunch in August this year.
Northern Cross Wealth Management were delighted to host their first broker’s lunch in August this year. The memorable event was held at Pepenero’s Restaurant in Mouille Point, Cape Town. Whilst enjoying a relaxed lunch, Brokers and members of the Northern Cross Wealth team, discussed how they could better provide a comprehensive financial service taking into...Continue reading
The Northern Cross Wealth Management team giving up 67 minutes of our time at the DARG rescue centre
The Northern Cross Wealth Management team giving up 67 minutes of our time at the DARG rescue centre here in Cape Town for Mandela Day. The great man would have been 99 years old today. RIP Madiba
Who’s spying on my investments ?
Jersey, Guernsey and Mauritius all have something in common. Yes, they are all beautiful islands, but they are also considered ‘tax havens’ and have been for many years. They are often used by wealthy individuals to evade tax. A study by the Tax Justice Network in 2012 stated that there was as much as $32 trillion of hidden...Continue reading