The Northern Cross Wealth Management team giving up 67 minutes of our time at the DARG rescue centre here in Cape Town for Mandela Day. The great man would have been 99 years old today. RIP Madiba
Who’s spying on my investments ?
Jersey, Guernsey and Mauritius all have something in common. Yes, they are all beautiful islands, but they are also considered ‘tax havens’ and have been for many years. They are often used by wealthy individuals to evade tax. A study by the Tax Justice Network in 2012 stated that there was as much as $32 trillion of hidden...Continue reading
Northern Cross sponsors Cape Town Burns Night
Cape Town – The Cape Town Burns Supper Club’s signature event will this year celebrate the great bard’s birth and all things Scottish in grander style than ever before. On Saturday 11 February, Kelvin Grove Club in Newlands will be awash in tartans of many hues, bagpipes, whisky galore, haggis, song, music and dance from...Continue reading
As former pensions minister Baroness Altmann revealed last year that she is cashing in her Final Salary Pension, is it time for expats around the world to think about a transfer overseas? And with more and more U.K. companies reporting growing liabilities within their Defined-Benefit / Final Salary Pension Schemes, cash-equivalent transfer values have soared...Continue reading