Latest exam certificates earned by our team

We are delighted to announce that our Managing Director has recently completed two new qualifications!

As part of our commitment to providing you with the very best information and staying on top of vital changes, all necessary to make important decisions about your financial situation (both present and future), regulatory exams and professional qualifications are a non-negotiable.


First off, is the French AMF Certificate. Michael passed his French regulatory exam in August with flying colours.

The AMF, or Autorité des marchés financiers, is an independent French public body responsible for “protecting savings invested in financial products, informing investors and ensuring the proper functioning of markets”, and its missions are evolving to adapt to the French European and global economic context.

The AMF certification confirms that financial professionals are familiar with the international and European standards to which they must adhere when carrying out their duties. It therefore proves that they are able to make better decisions for their clients and gives an added value to their educational background.



Second is the SCQF Level 9 Practical Investment Planning qualification.

You can read a little more about it by clicking on this link:

Practical Investment Planning assesses the practical and soft skills involved in client interactions and in the synthesis of professional investment advice.

The role of the Financial Adviser has evolved dramatically over the last decade, and is now predominantly one of relationship management, not technical. But, most investment planning qualifications have not kept up with the speed of the change, with many still focused on technical equity and bond work as opposed to real life, modern-day investment planning.

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