Take your finances off autopilot

Ever caught yourself driving home and suddenly realized you barely remember the journey? It’s a classic case of running on autopilot, a state we often unknowingly slip into during our daily routines. Interestingly, this autopilot mode isn’t confined to just our driving habits; it extends into how we manage our finances too.

Imagine this: day in and day out, your financial life revolves around a fixed pattern – earn, spend, save, repeat. It becomes a monotonous cycle, where the essence of why you’re earning or saving in the first place starts to blur.

You might feel a sense of detachment from your financial goals, like you’re just going through the motions, pushing through each day yet feeling that life, especially your financial life, is just happening to you.

There’s this constant worry that you’re too caught up in the rat race to stop and reflect on your financial journey, leading to a lack of energy and motivation to change your scenario.

This autopilot mode can be particularly problematic when it comes to our finances. 

We tend to stick to habitual spending, saving, or investing behaviours, even if they’re not particularly beneficial. It’s easy to make decisions – what to buy, what to watch, where to invest – without putting much thought into it. And before we know it, we’re stuck in unfulfilling financial patterns, missing out on opportunities for growth and change, feeling purposeless, and often wondering why we’re not more fulfilled.

Breaking free from this financial autopilot requires more than just a decision to be more attentive; it requires a shift in our approach to life and money. This is where the concept of mindfulness, particularly through meditation, comes into play. 

Incorporating meditation into your routine can be far more accessible and trendier than you might imagine. It doesn’t require you to give up meat, sit cross-legged in a room filled with incense and listen to the distant chimes of bells. In fact, meditation can be as modern and straightforward as you need it to be. 

It can be sitting in your favourite armchair, a cup of freshly brewed tea in hand, and simply taking a few minutes to clear your mind and focus on your breathing. Or maybe it’s during your morning jog, where instead of pumping beats through your headphones, you tune into the rhythm of your steps and the natural sounds around you.

Regular meditation enhances our ability to observe our thoughts and emotions without becoming overly reactive or identified with them. It helps us develop a spacious and non-judgmental awareness that allows for greater clarity and flexibility in our responses.

This heightened awareness allows us to pause and consider our actions (financial or otherwise) and their alignment with our broader life objectives. Are we saving mindfully or just hoarding money out of fear? Are our investments reflecting our values and goals, or are they just a random selection based on fleeting advice?

As a Financial Planner, I’ve observed the transformative impact of this mindful approach on my clients. It shifts their perspective from viewing money as a mere tool for survival to seeing it as a resource for crafting a fulfilling life.

Ready to disengage your autopilot? Connect with us, and let’s chat – not just about wealth, but about a richer, more purposeful life. 

(Funny side-story; I’m actually training to be a pilot – but that’s a story for another time!)

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